Seeing the waters clearly: A lesson of change

It has taken several months to come to this decision and it is no easier to write it now than when we first discussed it in the safety of our living room. We will be closing the physical space of the Ottawa Mindfulness Clinic and Sea Glass Psychological Services and providing all services via video [...]

2015 M4 Teacher Training Graduates

We are proud to celebrate our 10th anniversary of Teacher Training and welcome our 2015 cohort of mindfulness teachers who completed the M4 training requirements in the first full 3-day training retreat. Congratulations to all and we look forward to an on-going sharing in your insights and great work! Many thanks as well to our [...]

2014 Teacher Training Graduates

  Please welcome our new graduates of the Ottawa Mindfulness Clinic M4 Program Teacher Training (Level I - Foundations of Mindfulness). It was an amazing weekend filled with flooded out rental rooms and air conditioners that struggled with the heat! This weekend retreat capped the participants hard work that, in some cases, took a year [...]

Book giveaway on blog by Karen Maezen Miller

Karen Maezen Miller, author of Momma Zen and Hand Wash Cold, is offering a copy of our book, Mindfulness Starts Here! Maezen is well-known for her no-nonsense teachings in Zen and more for her direct connection with the everyday-ness of our experiences. For a chance to get a copy of our book, go to her [...]

Seeing muddy water clearly – excerpt from Mindfulness Starts Here

Excerpt from Mindfulness Starts Here: An 8-week guide to skillful living Muddy Waters How mysterious! The lotus remains unstained by its muddy roots, delivering shimmering bright jewels from common dew. Sojo Henjo Who we are and what we want for ourselves and those we love is created through our experience and through our thinking process. [...]