Advance Praise for “Mindfulness Starts Here” – Steve Flowers

UoOHS-12NOV19Whether you have been practicing mindfulness for many years or for you  Mindfulness Starts Here is where your introduction to mindfulness begins – you have found a treasure here that you will probably read again and again. This lovely book from Lynette Monteiro and Frank Musten is a beautiful tapestry of wisdom and love that can guide you through life’s hardships and awaken in your life greater joy, loving-kindness and well-being.

Steve Flowers, MS, MFT, has been a mindfulness teacher for 16 years and is the author of The Mindful Path through Shyness and co-author (with Bob Stahl) Living with your Heart Wide Open.

We love to tell the story of sitting in a cozy nook with Steve during the busy Center of Mindfulness (UMass) conference in 2012 discussing the ups and downs of publishing a book. We commiserated on how hard it was to choose a good title and Steve asked about our book. As we dithered about what to call it, he said, in true MB Teacher mode, “What do you want to call it?”

“Mindfulness starts here! Right here. Right now!” we responded.



“Well then?”

And so ended the quest to find a suitable title for our book. Thanks, Steve!


  1. I remember our talk well – a lovely swim in mindfulness, resonance and loving presence. Your book is an extension of these beautiful fruits of practice that now everyone can turn to anytime they want, in a favorite chair with some tea. As Rumi says, “The pot drips what’s in it!” We’re all blessed that may catch even one drop of this sweetness on our tongues.
    Thank you for you kind words.
    peace and love,

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